- gemm
void gemm(CR alpha, Slice!(ChopIterator!(J1*, Series!(I1*, T1*)), 1, kind1) a, Slice!(Iterator2, 2, kind2) b, CL beta, Slice!(Iterator3, 2, kind3) c)
General matrix-matrix multiplication.
- gemtm
void gemtm(CR alpha, Slice!(ChopIterator!(J1*, Series!(I1*, T1*)), 1, kind1) a, Slice!(Iterator2, 2, kind2) b, CL beta, Slice!(Iterator3, 2, kind3) c)
General matrix-matrix multiplication with transformation.
- selectiveGemm
void selectiveGemm(Slice!(T*, 2, kind1) a, Slice!(T*, 2, kind2) b, Slice!(ChopIterator!(J3*, Series!(I3*, T3*)), 1, kind3) c)
Selective general matrix multiplication with selector sparse matrix.